As you prepare for your little one’s arrival (yay!), it may begin to cross your mind that you no longer want to return to work after your due date! Of course, maternity leave can always soften the blow, but some mamas find that they’d prefer to make the transition to a stay at home mom (SAHM, for brevity) once that leave is over. However, that can feel like a huge leap, so it’s always good to start preparing ahead of time! So how do you start to plan for your resignation and transition into a single-income home? Don’t worry, Mama -- we’ve got you covered.
Read MoreStruggling With Infertility? You're Not Alone.
Infertility. The word no couples want to hear when planning their families, and a word that becomes quite frightening when facing it. Most importantly, it can feel isolating, lonely, and confusing. But you’re not alone. About 10% of women in the U.S. struggle with getting pregnant or staying pregnant. But although that may be true, the whole experience can be confusing and difficult to navigate. If you’re starting to face concerns of infertility or are already living it, we’ve got information to help you understand, and can give you options on moving forward!
Read MoreTips and Tricks for Traveling With Toddlers
If we say the words, “traveling with toddlers”, do you instantly cringe or shudder? Let’s face it, mamas, hitting the road with a Bitsy or two gets a bad rap--horror stories of meltdowns, bad diaper accidents, and general upset abound. But with summer vacations, holidays, and faraway family members, traveling with toddlers in tow can be inevitable. But we want to let you in on a secret: with some extra planning, packing, and foresight, you can have a great trip, bitsies and all!
Read MoreNewborns and Sleep
As you gear up for Baby’s arrival, you may start to recall all the horror stories your mama friends shared about newborns and their sleeping patterns. “Sleep while you can.” “I got maybe four hours of sleep all week.” “I’m exhausted.” We’ve all heard the tales, and they’re true, Mama. Newborns don’t sleep much, and you’ll certainly be adjusting to a different level of sleep than you’re used to. But it doesn’t have to be all bad! With a little research and preparation, you’ll be better set for those long nights, and be able to see that light at the end of the tunnel! Trust us, we’ve got the lowdown on babies and how they snooze.
Read MoreSurviving Temper Tantrums and the Terrible Twos
Oh, the temper tantrum. That moment when you can go from blissful playtime to full-blown meltdown in 30 seconds flat. It’s no surprise that they’re often called The Terrible Twos, because right around 24 months is when bitsies begin to vocalize their emotions in different ways — often tantrums. And no matter how much you love your Bitsy, tantrums suck. But they don’t have to! We’ve got some top tips and tricks on how to survive even the worst temper tantrum, and get back to playtime….fast!
Read MorePrioritizing Your Relationship After Baby
The arrival of your little one brings about so many emotions — happiness, excitement, anxiousness, overwhelm, and sometimes, even resentment toward your partner. A huge adjustment like a new baby can add strain to a relationship, and you’re not alone if it happens to you! In fact, research done by the Gottman Relationship Institute in Seattle shows that two-thirds of couples become unhappy with their relationship within 3 years of having a child. But don’t worry, Mama! With a little extra effort and time, your relationship after baby will be stronger than ever!
Read MorePostpartum Hair Loss: What It Is, and What You Can Do
Delivery day! The day you get to hold your sweet little babe in your arms for the first time and finally wave goodbye to all of those pregnancy symptoms you spent the last 9 months dealing with! …until a couple of weeks later when you brush your hair first thing in the morning and notice a tumbleweed of hair fall to the ground at your feet. And so, postpartum hair loss has begun.
Read MoreHow to Deal with Mom Shaming
From the beginning of time, people have had opinions — and more often than not, they have opinions on the way others lead their lives! One of the areas of life most plagued by others’ opinions is motherhood — breastfed vs formula, working vs staying home with your baby, how you dress your children, the list goes on. And while technology offers us so many advantages, it also brings about a lot of — yep, you guessed it — mom-shaming. Every mama experiences it, and some mamas are even a little guilty of it! However, we owe it to ourselves and our fellow mamas to avoid mom-shaming and all be a little kinder to each other. We’re here today to discuss what exactly mom-shaming is, and how you can deal with it if it happens to you!
Read MoreTop Pregnancy Reads
So you’ve found out you’re pregnant! How exciting! But the next thought after the positive test is often “So now what?” Pregnancy can be incredible and overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time! While your doctor or healthcare provider should always be your first and main source of pre (and post!)natal information, an informative pregnancy book is the next best thing. We’ve done the research for you, and have rounded up some of the best pregnancy books that we use and love!
Read MoreSex During Pregnancy: the Questions You Don't Want to Ask
Let’s talk about sex…during pregnancy! A relatively “taboo” topic, many new mamas don’t feel comfortable discussing their sex life with friends or sometimes even doctors — even though they may have plenty of questions about it! Is it safe? Can it hurt my baby? Will it cause premature labor? All of these are normal questions, and we’re about to give you the downlow on all of it!
Read MoreChoosing the Best Stroller for Your Family
A stroller is one of the bigger ticket items you’ll need purchased before baby arrives! It will be something you’ll need from the time they’re born up through their toddler years, and will be a true lifesaver for long days of errands. But with all of the options, features, and information out there, it can be SO hard to choose, especially for first time mamas! As mamas of all walks of life ourselves, we’ve worked to create the ultimate guide in choosing the best stroller for you and your family!
Read MoreHandling Morning Sickness in the Office
There’s nothing worse than morning sickness….except…morning sickness at work. When you’re not fortunate enough to take too much time off work, it can be hard to navigate the unfortunate symptom at the office! When you can’t make it go away, try some of the tips below to help make things a little more manageable, Mama!
Read MoreTips for Increasing Your Milk Supply
As a new mom, you’ve got a lot on your plate! Caring for your new bundle of joy, balancing functioning on no sleep, adjusting to your new life and for a lot of moms…breastfeeding! Breastfeeding on it’s own can be a learning process, but what happens if you’re struggling to produce enough milk? Don’t worry, mamas, we’ve got some of the top tips on increasing that milk supply!
Read MoreSelf Care for the New Mama
Congratulations on the new bundle of joy, Mama! Newborns are wonderful, adorable, and downright….exhausting! No matter how much you love holding your little one in your arms, we know it can get intense. And with all the excitement and care that goes into Baby, it can be hard to remember the person that can need some extra TLC the most–you! We’re here today to remind you that it’s okay (and very necessary!) to take a time out and take care of mom. We’ve rounded up some of our best ideas on how to practice self-care as a new mama!
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