Teething Tips and Tricks

Teething– that stage every parent (and little one!) comes to dread.  When those sharp little baby teeth start to poke their way through Bitsy’s soft gums, a lot of pain and fussing can ensue!  Even though it can be hard on a mama to have a constantly fussy baby, it can be seriously hard work for Bitsy to cut those teeth!  Don’t worry — we’ve got some tips and tricks to make the whole process a little easier for both of you!

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Cosleeping: What You Need to Know

Co-sleeping.  That hot button topic that parents either love or hate, with very little in-between.  In case you’re new to the parenting game, and haven’t heard about it yet, co-sleeping is simply when Baby sleeps close to you at night.  As with most parenting practices, it comes with its own set of pros and cons, as well as opinions, thoughts, and judgements on the practice.  So what’s the deal with co-sleeping? How is it done, is it safe, and is it something you should consider? We’ve got the breakdown!

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What It's Like Having 2 Kids Under 2

Deciding to grow your family by an extra pair of tiny feet is so exciting!  But what if you’re pregnant before your first born hits the age of two? Congratulations!  You’re about to be the proud mama of two under two — a feat often feared and looked at with great respect.  But don’t worry, Mama, you can absolutely handle this.  You might be the mama living off of coffee and pure magic, but you’ll find your groove easier than you think!

So how do you handle two under two?  You’re going to need a lot of patience, love, and great scheduling!  The best part, though? You’re going to get double the love in return…and what could be better than that?  Plus, with a little forethought, you’ll be cruising through two under two motherhood in no time!

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Dealing with a Picky Eater at Home

Picky eaters have been a source of frustration for parents everywhere for, well, ever!  If you’re currently struggling with a picky toddler, Mama, remember that you’re not alone–most children experience a picky phase, if not their entire childhood.  It’s a pretty normal part of being a toddler! However, when it’s your Bitsy, it can make mealtime feel impossible — we’ve got the scoop to make things a little easier!

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Making the Transition from Crib to Toddler Bed

No one ever wants their babies to grow older, but before you know it, that tiny newborn is crawling, standing, and on the move!  This usually results in a lot of change for families and their househoulds…baby gates, door knob and outlet covers, toys everywhere.  However, one of the biggest (and hardest!) changes for a mama is the transition from crib to “big kid bed”!  This change can feel nerve-wracking (and maybe even a little heartbreaking), but the switch doesn’t have to be so hard on either of you!  With a little bit of planning and strategy, you and Bitsy will both love having them in their grown up bed!

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Introducing Chores to Your Toddler

Time for clean up!  While it may seem strange when they’re so little, teaching your little one the importance of chores is great for their overall development!  Not only can it teach them that it’s important to help others, it also encourages good self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and valuable life skills that will stay with them for life.  Getting them started early is a great way to establish chores as a routine and avoid issues down the road! It may seem difficult to get them started, so we have a few tips, Mama!

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Becoming a Stay at Home Mom

As you prepare for your little one’s arrival (yay!), it may begin to cross your mind that you no longer want to return to work after your due date!  Of course, maternity leave can always soften the blow, but some mamas find that they’d prefer to make the transition to a stay at home mom (SAHM, for brevity) once that leave is over.  However, that can feel like a huge leap, so it’s always good to start preparing ahead of time! So how do you start to plan for your resignation and transition into a single-income home?  Don’t worry, Mama -- we’ve got you covered.

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Tips and Tricks for Traveling With Toddlers

If we say the words, “traveling with toddlers”, do you instantly cringe or shudder?  Let’s face it, mamas, hitting the road with a Bitsy or two gets a bad rap--horror stories of meltdowns, bad diaper accidents, and general upset abound.  But with summer vacations, holidays, and faraway family members, traveling with toddlers in tow can be inevitable. But we want to let you in on a secret:  with some extra planning, packing, and foresight, you can have a great trip, bitsies and all!

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