Pregnancy During the Holidays: What You Can Expect

November officially kicks off the most wonderful time of the year! Once Halloween has passed, the family festivities for Thanksgiving and Christmas can begin! And if you’re pregnant during the holiday season, it can be a totally different experience — the holidays can be a stressful time on their own, but even more so if you’re growing a tiny human.

We’re on the blog today to give you the good, the bad, and the tips on surviving pregnancy during the holiday seasons!



There’s so much good in the holiday season, and adding pregnancy to it can make it extra special!

It’s the coziest time of the year! Bring out the chunky sweaters, fleece-lined leggings, and warm blankets! Cozy clothes are a pregnant mama’s dream, and this is the perfect time to only wear your coziest attire!

One word: food. Holiday food is arguably the best food. With mashed potatoes, turkey, casseroles, and pies, you can’t go wrong over the next two months. And we can’t forget the holiday cookies!

The best time to share your news! If you’re newly pregnant, the holiday season is a wonderful time to announce your pregnancy! With all of the adorable announcement ideas out there, you can give your whole family the best gift under the tree! 

Family traditions. As you’re growing your little family, it only makes sense that this holiday season, you’ll start to build your own family traditions! Maybe you’ll take from those your parents taught you, or maybe you’ll start your own, but either way, there’s nothing quite as special as starting your own special moments with your new family.



The holidays can be a challenging and stressful time, and adding pregnancy to the mix can make it a little more challenging! Here are a few things to watch out for over the coming weeks:

You might always be DD. When you can’t have a drink at all, it can often be assumed that you’ll drive for everyone else! Make sure you’re always safe in questionable weather, Mama, and don’t hesitate to suggest an Uber or sleepover instead.   

No wine. Or eggnog. Or other holiday cocktails. But you don’t have to miss out altogether! Check out some great, non-alcoholic mocktails instead!

You might get all baby gifts. You might be excited to receive 18 holiday onesies, or you might find it frustrating that you’re already missing out on gifts in the shuffle! Try dropping hints with a wishlist a few weeks earlier, and offer friends and families ideas for gift ideas for you!



Whether things are smooth sailing, or you’re struggling a little, these tips will help make your holiday season a little easier!

Slow down. Holidays are a lot of go, go, go, so make sure you listen to your body, and stop if you need to! Feel free to take a breather at a family dinner, or cancel on a party plan if you feel tired or unwell. Your health matters, Mama!

Enjoy the holiday cookie. Don’t deprive yourself of the season’s treats, but make sure you stay hydrated and add extra servings of fruits and veggies to balance!

Don’t host. It can be a lot of strain to put on your body during pregnancy, so see if someone can take hosting the holiday dinner off your plate for a year! 

Take the help. Tis the season of family and friends, so let them lift a hand to help you if you need it! You’ll be grateful to not carry the stress on your own.

Stay close to home. Depending on where you are in your pregnancy, your doctor might suggest you avoid flying, and traveling altogether. But no matter where you are during your pregnancy, it can be best not to travel too much — try to stay near to home if you can!


Knowing what to expect, your boundaries, and a few helpful tips will help you celebrate all season long, Mama! Happy holidays!