Precautions to Take in the First Trimester

Congratulations, you’re pregnant!  The first few weeks of pregnancy can be exciting and absolutely exhilarating as you and your partner rejoice over the good news!  But they can also result in weeks of worry and anticipation waiting for the first trimester to end, along with the stage of highest risk.  But did you know you can start taking an active role in preventing unnecessary complications? It’s true, Mama!

From the day you get that exciting positive sign on a pregnancy test, you can start taking steps to create the healthiest environment for you and your growing baby — and we’ve got the scoop!  Read on for precautions you should absolutely be taking in your first trimester!


This is, by far, the most important, mamas!  As soon as you find out that you’re pregnant, it’s time to put down theglass of wine, cigarette, and giant mug of coffee.  All of these things can have drastic effects on your baby’s health, especially in the first trimester.

While there are varying reports of the effects of each of these and the acceptable quantities, avoiding all of it in your first trimester is the best way to ensure the healthiest outcome possible!  Once you make it safely to the second trimester, you can start working up to your allotted 200mg of caffeine a day — hang in there!



Over and over and over again!  You’ll want to start scheduling regular appointments with your healthcare provider as soon as you find out — they’ll confirm your pregnancy, and be able to help you keep tabs on how baby is doing in those vital first weeks.

You’ll be able to have the official confirmation of the pregnancy, baby’s heartbeat, and your first ultrasound!  This is also a great time to go over any questions or concerns you may have — your doctor will make sure you’re on the right track with medications, exercise, dietary restrictions, and more!



In the early stages of pregnancy, it’s important to take inventory of all the medications you may be taking — including any prescription skincare!  Take this list to one of your first doctor appointments and make sure you don’t need to cut anything out. Medications can have a huge effect on your growing little one.

Additionally, make sure you’re popping those prenatal vitamins!  We can’t stress the importance of these enough — prenatal vitamins make sure you have the right amount of folic acid, iron, and more to supplement Baby’s health and development!



In the first trimester, it’s likely that you feel pretty terrible, and are exhausted…pretty much always!  The best way to get past this and feel as normal as possible is to make sure you’re moving! While you’ll need to put down the heavy weights and intense cardio(unless you have your doctor’s clearance!), getting moderate exercise is the key to you and Baby’s best health!

Try taking a walk on your lunch at work — the fresh air can curb nausea caused by morning sickness, and getting that blood flowing can wake you up!  Try walking in the morning, during lunch, and after dinner! Or try some quick prenatal yoga exercises to get your circulation moving.



Just like with alcohol and caffeine, there are foods you’ll need to cut out as well!  Avoid seafood altogether in your first trimester — after you hit the second trimester, you can add small amounts of cooked tuna, salmon, and other light meats to your diet.  Mercury poisoning is no joke! You’ll also want to skip on lunch meats and soft cheeses — it’s tough, but only for 9 months!

In addition to removing things from your diet, now is a good time to add some healthier foods in!  Make sure you’re getting plenty of protein and leafy greens, along with foods rich in Vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids–all of these things will help with your little one’s early development, and make you feel better overall!



This one is the most important of all — drinking enough water is a huge part of staying healthy for everyone, but for a pregnant mama, it couldn’t be more important!

Track your water intake with a marked water bottle, or get a water bottle that reminds you to drink in certain intervals!  You are growing a whole human, after all!


Following these precautions throughout your first trimester will make you and baby the healthiest you can be!  Always discuss any changes to your lifestyle with your medical provider, and enjoy that pregnancy, Mama!